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Legal Notice

Practical Learning - International Dialogue - Sustainable Success

Irmgard Rennemeier
Eschgarten 20 · D-48369 Saerbeck
Telephone: +49 2574 288 00 11
Fax: +49 3212 3212 445
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Responsible pursuant to § 5 TMG (German Telemedia Act) and DL-InfoVO (Service providers duty to inform):
Irmgard Rennemeier


Development & Implementation:
Thomas Schöneberg


Legal Notice:

Links / References
The operator makes every effort to provide correct, up-to-date and complete information on his/her website and therefore changes or adds information if necessary regularly and without notice. Nevertheless, we must exclude any warranty, liability or guarantee for accuracy, timeliness and completeness. This also applies to all references, so-called "hyperlinks", offered directly or indirectly by the operator on his/her website. The operator cannot take any responsibility for the content of such external sites, which can be accessed via links or other references. Furthermore, the operator is not liable for any direct or indirect damages (including lost profits), which are attributed to the information provided on these external websites.

The contents of the website stbp.de are protected by copyright. Nevertheless, the operator grants you the right to wholly or partially store provided texts on his/her website and to reproduce them as long as they are needed for one's immediate professional or personal purposes. Any disclosure in return for payment to third parties regarding the content of our site is not permitted. The copyright also prohibits the storage and reproduction of images or graphics from our website.

Information on data protection can be found here.